0039 0472 415109
  • 001_Ploseblick_Gutzuwissen
001_Ploseblick_Gutzuwissen1 2

Good to know

Deduction for accommodation with breakfast on half board price: -15 € per person/day

+ 10% extra charge for stays of 1 and 2 nights

Persons aged 14 years have to pay a tourist tax of € 1,50 per person per night.
The revenue from this local tax will be used for the expansion and maintenance of infrastructure and services, as well as for the organization of cultural and sports events. The local tax will be levied at all lodging establishments, on a per-guest and per-overnight-stay basis. The amount is contingent upon the category of the establishment. Children and adolescents under 14 years of age are exempt from levy. The local tax is payable upon departure and is listed separately on the invoice.
After 01.01.2024 the tourist tax will be 2,30 per person/day.

Free W-LAN in every part of the hotel

Pets: 10 - 15 € per day (without food)

Reduction for children Per child, in the room with 2 full payers per day :
0-1 years: Fixed price 15 € HB
8 € BB
1-3 years: Fixed price 25 € HB
15 € BB
3-8 years: Fixed price 40 € HB
30 € BB
8-15 years: Fixed price 50 € HB
40 € BB
from 15 year - 10%

Special discout of -5% for our regulars: that is, those guests who have stayed with us for 3 times. It is redeemable during your first holiday oft he season 2023 with a minimun stay of 4 days.

Early Reservation: -10% for reservations for the summerseason for bookings within 30.04.2023 of the daily price and a minimum stay of 7 days

Attention: special discount for our regulars and early reservations are not combinable

Non-smoker: We are a non-smoker house. In all rooms as well as in all public rooms counts the prohibition of smoking. You can smoke outside.

Cancelation conditions: In case of cancellation up to 4 days before the start of the holiday, we will retain the deposit for a next stay. In case of cancellation within the last 4 days before the start of the holiday, in case of no-show, late arrival or early departure, the arrangement price will be charged for the entire booked period. Important: these
cancellation conditions apply regardless of whether the cancelled rooms are re-let in full or in part.

For fee at hotel: massages, beauty treatments (see ploseblick spa)

For fee at local suppliers: Golf driving range, rafting, paragliding, fishing, equitation, tennis, guided hiking tours and visits organized by the tourism association.

Mandatory information according to the EU-Regulation N. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council Platform for online dispute resolution for consumer disputes (ODR) to the European Commission: http://ec.europa.eu/­consumers/­odr/­